Chemin de Stevenson (3/4) : La Bastide-Puylaurent, Le Bleymard, Le Pont-de-Montvert, Florac

Traduction française : fr
Gare de La Bastide-Puylaurent
Gare de La Bastide-Puylaurent
Forêt après La Bastide-Puylaurent
Forêt après La Bastide-Puylaurent
"Thence, over a hill, our way lay through a naked plateau, until we reached Chasseradès at sundown."

Chasseradès : église
Chasseradès : église
"At last the path crossed the Chassezac upon a bridge, and, forsaking this deep hollow, set itself to cross the mountain of Le Goulet."
Viaduc du Mirandol
Viaduc du Mirandol
Village abandonné de Serreméjan
Village abandonné de Serreméjan
Source du Lot
Source du Lot
"In front of me I saw a shallow valley, and beyond that the range of the Lozère, sparsely wooded and well enough modelled in the flanks, but straight and dull in outline."
Les Alpiers, vue vers le mont Lozère
Les Alpiers, vue vers le mont Lozère
 Le Bleymard
Le Bleymard
Station de ski du mont Lozère
Station de ski du mont Lozère
"The track that I had followed in the evening soon died out, and I continued to follow over a bald turf ascent a row of stone pillars, such as had conducted me across the Goulet."
Mont Lozère : montjoie
Mont Lozère : montjoie
"The Lozère lies nearly east and west, cutting Gévaudan into two unequal parts; its highest point, this Pic de Finiels, on which I was then standing, rises upwards of five thousand six hundred feet above the sea, and in clear weather commands a view over all lower Languedoc to the Mediterranean Sea."
Mont Lozère : sommet de Finiels
Mont Lozère : sommet de Finiels
Mont Lozère : vue nord
Mont Lozère : vue nord
"In that undecipherable labyrinth of hills, a war of bandits, a war of wild beasts, raged for two years between the Grand Monarch with all his troops and marshals on the one hand, and a few thousand Protestant mountaineers upon the other. A hundred and eighty years ago, the Camisards held a station even on the Lozère, where I stood."
Descente vers Finiels, village de Prat-Souteyran
Descente vers Finiels, village de Prat-Souteyran
"A little after, the stream that I was following fell into the Tarn at Pont de Montvert of bloody memory.."
Le Pont-de-Montvert
Le Pont-de-Montvert
Le Pont-de-Montvert
Le Pont-de-Montvert

Le Pont-de-Montvert
Le Pont-de-Montvert

Forêt, Champlong-de-Bougès
Forêt, Champlong-de-Bougès
Mont Lozère depuis le signal du Bougès
Mont Lozère depuis le signal du Bougès
Les Cévennes depuis le signal du Bougès
Les Cévennes depuis le signal du Bougès
"On a branch of the Tarn stands Florac, the seat of a sub-prefecture, with an old castle, an alley of planes, many quaint street-corners, and a live fountain welling from the hill."
Florac : château
Florac : château